Practice Areas

Non-Compete Agreements

We assist clients on either side of a complicated non-compete litigation matter or dispute.

Non-compete agreements are among the most contentious litigation cases between employers and employees. Employers have a right to protect themselves from former employees bringing trade secrets to competitors or to their own personal business; however, employees have the right to earn an honest living in America. At Hull & Chandler, P.A., we use our experience as business law and business litigation trial lawyers to draft effective non-solicitation or confidentiality agreements and aggressively represent clients who are caught on either side of non-compete litigation and disputes.

What is a non-compete agreement?

Non-compete and non-disclosure agreements prevent employees from performing certain work or revealing methods or skills for a competitor after their employment has ended. They are also intended to ensure that during the term of employment or for a period thereafter, an employee or former employee will not directly compete with his or her employer. Parties typically enter into non-compete agreements at the inception of employment and include provisions to prevent former employees from using proprietary information obtained during the employment relationship to appropriate their former employer’s customers at the expense of their former employer.

The enforceability of your non-compete agreement may depend on your type of employment and the nature of your business. Our attorneys have earned a reputation as effective trial attorneys with over fifteen years of combined experience in the North Carolina non-compete litigation arena. We know how the law applies to specific cases, and we use our experience and knowledge to help you get the result you are counting on.

Non-Compete Agreement Litigation and Dispute Services

  • Physician and Medical Non-Compete Agreements and Litigation
  • Merger and Acquisition Confidentiality Disputes and Litigation
  • Drafting Contracts, Review of Employment Law Contracts
  • Trade Secrets Theft and Litigation
  • Protection of Intellectual Property
  • Non-Solicitation Agreements
  • Confidentiality Agreements
  • Business Transaction Law